Hi there, thanks for stopping by my site. Katchapuri Trio pictured here will be performing at Red Poppy Art House March 29th, doors open at 7pm. Advance tix highly recommended! See you there.

I feel so lucky to be working with David James now in three ensembles. His GPS ensemble will be recording in early July this year. Russian Telegraph just finished a new recording that will be released soon. Katchapuri Trio formed many years after we toured the MY GRANDMOTHER project. Kachapuri is the name of the wonderful cheesy bread we enjoyed in Tbilisi, Georgia where we played the International Film Festival. I hope we return to perform there again some day!

April brings new work for me, Kara Herold (above) is hiring me to score her Mid-Film Crisis (working title), an hilarious comedy she’s been editing. You may have seen her 39-1/2 at the Mill Valley FF, We’re thrilled to be working together after talking about it for….decades!

Larry Reed (pictured below) has been studying clarinet for years. His wonderful Shadowlight Productions is seeking screenings for his CHAGALL, a delightful 8-minute film I scored. I hope this new work plays near you soon!

As always you can donate to my endeavors. Much obliged and hope to see you out there!

A Brief Pause in my Month of Birth!

A brief pause was much needed. I came down with two nasty bugs in a row but who cares? We’re all gettin’ sick and having to pause. I slept with my legs up on a pillow and read, slept, purged. Ate barely anything and drank lots of warm teas. And moped around in my jammies thinking it would never end!

Deepest apologies to anyone who may have come out to the Feb. 7th Red Poppy Arthouse concert, we had to postpone and did our best to let everyone know, and thankfully it’s rescheduled for March 29th! This is such a delightful trio, come hear us in our fav San Francisco micro venue that’s only 5-6 blocks from 24th St. BART.

This Saturday, Feb. 15, I’m on double duty with Russian Telegraph performing at The New Farm, 3-5pm, and Robley D Variety Show from 2-3pm. Admittance it by donation so line your pockets with cash or your phone that pays(!), take public transportation, bike, or carpool, walk the Heron’s Head Park, eat at a local cafe, and come hear us perform, you will not be disappointed, rain or shine!

Have you ever seen a Shadowlight Productions work? Dalang Larry Reed has directed and performed original works around the globe for decades. I got lucky and got to score his latest release, CHAGALL. Check it out and watch for a release near you to see the whole shebang! Be well and see you out there!

Be well and see you out there! Here’s a sketch by artist Jenny Cole:

February 2025

Hey everyone, my collective ensemlbe Russian Telegraph will be at The New Farm, SF. We has just laid down a 6-track EP at the glorious Bird and Egg Studio. Originals and a cover includes our renditon of Caetano Veloso’s A Tua Presenca. Here’s my hubby treating me to All Good Pizza, ty you husband! Thanks for visiting, see you out there.

Hello fine people,

That’s keyboardist/composer Jordan Glasgow and trumpeter Chris Grady of our sweet band Russian Telegraph. We go into the studio next week 🙂 and on December 1 we’ll be performing a 5:30pm set at the glorious Ivy Room in Albany, CA. Doors open at 4pm with the definite grooves of B-Side Galaxy (4:30pm) and the full funk of Double Stroke follow. Don’t miss this special concert, wear your sunny smile and your dancing shoes!

I thought I had played all the concert halls in the Bay Area yet no! On November 24 I’ll be fully clothed and singing backups with the Robley D Variety Show at the Condor…strip club! Come bathe in and shake to the sounds of SF’s finest rockers including Mike ‘Che’ McKevitt, Bruce Schlesinger, Mark Yee and of course Robley D Evans. Canastafarians?

The holiday/donation season cometh! When you’re in a good, giving mood consider buying one of my scores, CDs, DVDs, or you can very easily just donate here detritus free! For a top secret unlisted LP that I’m featured on please send a $250 donation and your mailing address!

Also consider regular donations to The New Farm, where magic happens and where this photo of a wonderful neighboring tenant was taken.

Be well, see you out there,


Will Bernard and I have been playing music together since the early 1980’s. We met either at a Peter Apfelbaum’s Hieroglyphics Ensemble concert or at one of Will’s infamous parties at The Hut. We finally made our first recording~ ‘SKY‘ and we’ve a brief tour in support here in the Bay Area and in the great north west. We’ll be joined by the fabulous Ellen Gronningen on violin and including some new compositions. Hope to see you out there!

I love summer! I’ve been jamming at The New Farm weekends. Check out the new website, stop down to hear some music, visit the chickens, goats, and people, buy plants at Heron’s Head! The Farm is a donation based non-profit. Consider holding your next event there and please donate to help maintain a unique community center in San Francisco.

I’ve some juicy gigs coming up including tomorrow, People in Plazas

Katchapuri Trio (David James, guitar, Jess Ivry, cello, me, clarinets) this Thursday, July 25th noon-1pm. Come eat your lunch and listen to our lovely trio.

August 9-11 I’ll be performing at Fringe of the Woods Festival an hour above LA with Peter Valsamis (Trance Mission) and Avi Zahner. We open each night with a set of songs from Eighty Mile Beach and beyond.

Have a lovely summer and hope to see you out there!

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