Hi there, thanks for stopping by my site. Katchapuri Trio pictured here will be performing at Red Poppy Art House March 29th, doors open at 7pm. Advance tix highly recommended! See you there.

I feel so lucky to be working with David James now in three ensembles. His GPS ensemble will be recording in early July this year. Russian Telegraph just finished a new recording that will be released soon. Katchapuri Trio formed many years after we toured the MY GRANDMOTHER project. Kachapuri is the name of the wonderful cheesy bread we enjoyed in Tbilisi, Georgia where we played the International Film Festival. I hope we return to perform there again some day!

April brings new work for me, Kara Herold (above) is hiring me to score her Mid-Film Crisis (working title), an hilarious comedy she’s been editing. You may have seen her 39-1/2 at the Mill Valley FF, We’re thrilled to be working together after talking about it for….decades!
Larry Reed (pictured below) has been studying clarinet for years. His wonderful Shadowlight Productions is seeking screenings for his CHAGALL, a delightful 8-minute film I scored. I hope this new work plays near you soon!

As always you can donate to my endeavors. Much obliged and hope to see you out there!