August 2023

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The New Farm director, legendary pianist/singer Andy Pollack (Life After Life) and I make a rare public performance at Maracuja Gallery, Texas St./22nd St., San Francisco, CA, Friday, 8/25/23, $20, only 50 sold in advance.

I first met Andrew Pollack in November of 2019, we became fast friends playing weekly at each other homes and at The New Farm. In a way, we saved each others souls during the performers nightmare that ‘twer the grey years of lockdown! Friday you’ll hear originals and a galley of tunes from Berlin to Cale in an all acoustic setting. Wander through, gaze at Mark Hensen art, sit with 3D goggles on, to the soft, sweet, sultry sounds of piano, voices, and clarinet.

Take public transport/walk/bike/driverless car,(!) eat at many fine establishments in Dogpatch and on Potrero hill, make an evening of it! 10% of ticket sales will be donated to

Peace, ya’ll
