February Mid-Way!

A Brief Pause in my Month of Birth!

A brief pause was much needed. I came down with two nasty bugs in a row but who cares? We’re all gettin’ sick and having to pause. I slept with my legs up on a pillow and read, slept, purged. Ate barely anything and drank lots of warm teas. And moped around in my jammies thinking it would never end!

Deepest apologies to anyone who may have come out to the Feb. 7th Red Poppy Arthouse concert, we had to postpone and did our best to let everyone know, and thankfully it’s rescheduled for March 29th! This is such a delightful trio, come hear us in our fav San Francisco micro venue that’s only 5-6 blocks from 24th St. BART.

This Saturday, Feb. 15, I’m on double duty with Russian Telegraph performing at The New Farm, 3-5pm, and Robley D Variety Show from 2-3pm. Admittance it by donation so line your pockets with cash or your phone that pays(!), take public transportation, bike, or carpool, walk the Heron’s Head Park, eat at a local cafe, and come hear us perform, you will not be disappointed, rain or shine!

Have you ever seen a Shadowlight Productions work? Dalang Larry Reed has directed and performed original works around the globe for decades. I got lucky and got to score his latest release, CHAGALL. Check it out and watch for a release near you to see the whole shebang! Be well and see you out there!

Be well and see you out there! Here’s a sketch by artist Jenny Cole: