As many of you already know, I’ve got a dream job scoring the wonderful documentary film The Boys Who Said No! about the Viet Nam conflict draft resistor’s movement and how it was instrumental in stopping the war. Here’s the trailer, check it out! I believe it’s the best documentary I’ve ever worked on. Director Judith Ehrlich was nominated for an academy award for her doc film The Most Dangerous Man in America and she’s a delight to work with as is producer Bill Prince.
I’m currently putting the finishing touches on the score that includes strings, percussion, piano, and of course….clarinet. Ms. Ehrlich asked me early on to write a song for the end credits and I dove in with relish and came up with a very upbeat number entitled Say No!
Russian Telegraph is a new band I’m in founded by singer/guitarist David James with Keith MacArthur on bass, Diana Mangano, voice, Chris Grady, trumpet, Jordan Glasgow, keyboard, John Hanes, drums, me on voice/clarinets. This is one funky ensemble that I want to hire to record Say No! And YOU can chip in to make this happen. Your donation will help pay the musicians and recording engineer (Jeff Cressman). Donors of $500 or more will get their name in the credits of the film. No amount is too small…or too large! Please help me make my dream come true! And I thank you in advance.
Here’s the direct link where you can donate, please be sure and make a note that your donation goes towards the song: https://www.boyswhosaidno.com/support
Any donations will be matched by the producers, thank you so much for your kind support of my latest endeavor.