Hey peeps,
Red House Speak Easy presents Adam Levy with Todd Sickafoose this Saturday and yours truly sitting in on a tune. Come on over for some tasty soup and check out my concert series. We’ll have the fire pit going and homemade soups and libations for you to sip. https://bethcuster.com/gigs
We’ve officially launched my new site, peruse it for downloads, etc. Thanks to Alexander Bailey for all his wonderful design work.
When’s the last time you got out of the city? Consider spending a day in gorgeous St. Helena for our gig at Tres Sabores Winery. Go to a spa in Calistoga then come hear us perform, treat yourself! We’ll be performing outdoors in front of the vineyards–there’s wine tasting and food available–and it’s a benefit for Oxbow School, a great arts high school of Napa.
I hope I see you very soon,