Articles by Beth

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Hey peeps,

Red House Speak Easy presents Adam Levy with Todd Sickafoose this Saturday and yours truly sitting in on a tune. Come on over for some tasty soup and check out my concert series. We’ll have the fire pit going and homemade soups and libations for you to sip.

We’ve officially launched my new site, peruse it for downloads, etc. Thanks to Alexander Bailey for all his wonderful design work.

When’s the last time you got out of the city? Consider spending a day in gorgeous St. Helena for our gig at Tres Sabores Winery. Go to a spa in Calistoga then come hear us perform, treat yourself!  We’ll be performing outdoors in front of the vineyards–there’s wine tasting and food available–and it’s a benefit for Oxbow School, a great arts high school of Napa.

I hope I see you very soon,



It is with great awe and inspiration that I reside at Montalvo Art Center for May, my final month of an artist residency that has spanned three months in three years. Thanks to Richard Marriott of Club Foot Orchestra for nominating me (thanks Ricky!). I’ll be continuing on the CFO tradition of performing live to a classic silent film at Montalvo on May 25th . Treat yourself and come for the day~Montalvo is in Saratoga, 40 miles south of San Francisco. Bring a picnic, sprawl on the ample lawns, hike the 140 acres of trails and gardens, hear Japanese sound artist Mamoru Okuno at 6pm then our performance at 8:30.

There’s some very cool artists in residence with me here including photographer Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe and artist Justin Lowman and others. We get together each weekday night to feast on the culinary arts of chef Niki Valentine, formerly with the American Academy of Rome kitchen.

Yes, I am working while here…mostly on an orchestral arrangement of My Grandmother score as per a request from an orchestra in Spain, thanks to Chicago trumpeter Tom Purdie who lives and performs with Orquestra de Galicia.

With deepest gratitude,


The wonderful KALX radio show of Anthony Bonet promoting my Beth Custer Ensemble show in Alameda and my premiere of Youth Fully with Left Coast Chamber Ensemble.
Download it here.

The Beth Custer Ensemble is taking My Grandmother back to Georgia next week. The Republic of Georgia, that is!

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