
You are currently browsing articles tagged didgeridu.

Trance Mission

It is with great pleasure I announce the release of Trance Mission’s Le Pendu. We’ve spent years crafting this new recording and you’re in for a real treat. If you missed our packed house on a Monday night performance at the venerable Yoshi’s in Oakland in January, come to our release concert April 11th in San Francisco at St. Cyprian’s SF Live Arts series. You will not be disappointed! Earthwise Productions will be presenting us in Palo Alto, April 10th at the Mitchell Park Community Center.

Cathy Lee Crane’s upcoming film Crossing Columbus

My film scoring continues with Cathy Lee Crane’s poignant, gorgeous, border film
Crossing Columbus. 
Watch for a screening near you!

Clarinet Thing performs in Palo Alto at the Mitchell Park Community Center
on my birthday, February 25th. Come sing me a song!

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