Articles by Beth

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Thanks everyone for your kind generosity in helping me buy a new car, I’ve got wheels…and it’s a good thing because I’m performing again!

Oakland Columbarium: Garden of Memory

On Tuesday, June 21st, 5-9pm I’ll be at the annual Garden of Memory event with the venerable guitarist/composer Will Bernard. We’ll be performing in the Sanctuary of Dawn and look forward in seeing you there. Please get your tickets in advance as this very popular show will sellout.

Also on June 21st, 4pm will be the premiere of The Impresario! as part of the Frameline Film Festival. A very cool film I scored by Lauretta Molitor that celebrates the life of Marc Huestis. I worked briefly in the late 80’s with Marc at Karen Larsen Associates office. I’m so glad that this SF treasure is being given his own screen time, the story is compelling and lovely.

I’m very lucky to be a part of a burgeoning scene at The New Farm where almost every weekend there is live, outdoor, free music. Be sure and check it out. You can hike at Heron’s Head, wander through two gorgeous plant nurseries, and hear all kinds of music in The Farm’s outdoor music pavilion. Check it out!

October 15th David James‘s GPS will be at Bird and Beckett Bookstore. Always a treat to perform with this stellar group at my fav bookstore/venue! We will be presenting material from David’s Mission Rebels project.

I’m thrilled to announce on November 4th, 2022 I’ll be at @ SF Jazz Center 7pm & 8:30pm. Get your tickets here!


After so many months of being in hibernation I’m thrilled to report that Eighty Mile Beach released a song that Christian Jones and I wrote in Prague during my Agosto Residency and it made it on the Beatport list at #23! Have a listen!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope everyone is doing well. I’ll be a one woman band in an outdoor theatre production for one performance of Wee Three Kings, September 5th. Check under my gigs for the address. It’s about an hour and a half north of Los Angeles. We’ll be rehearsing the week prior in LA. Chris Brophy wrote the play and will be directing. We’ve got some amazing actors in Mike McShane, Curt Morgan, and Brian Lohmann. I hope you’ll make it out!

Hey there! It’s been a minute….jeez! I hope you’re all doing well in these strange times.

I have some news to share, the Judith Ehrlich film I scored The Boys Who Said No! has it’s US premiere tonight for 6 days at the Mill Valley Film Festival. I’m super proud of this film and ever grateful to William Farley for recommending me. I’m now putting the final touches on the score for Farley’s film I Wanted To Be A Man With A Gun. Thanks to everyone who contributed financially to either of these films. They are gems!

Cathy Lee Crane’s very cool film Crossing Columbus is up for a free screening. Another work I’m very proud of. A beautiful meditation on border life. Don’t miss it!

Trance Mission released it’s CD March 13th…..then all concerts were cancelled due to you-know-what…..check out Le Pendu if you haven’t already, write to me if you’d like to buy a CD, I think it’s possibly my best release ever.

These past few months I scored Lauretta Molitor’s film ‘Impresario’, a sweet doc about force of nature filmmaker/social activist Mark Huestis. I’ll post more info on screenings for that once it’s released.

Be well, be safe, carry on….and VOTE!!!



Trance Mission

It is with great pleasure I announce the release of Trance Mission’s Le Pendu. We’ve spent years crafting this new recording and you’re in for a real treat. If you missed our packed house on a Monday night performance at the venerable Yoshi’s in Oakland in January, come to our release concert April 11th in San Francisco at St. Cyprian’s SF Live Arts series. You will not be disappointed! Earthwise Productions will be presenting us in Palo Alto, April 10th at the Mitchell Park Community Center.

Cathy Lee Crane’s upcoming film Crossing Columbus

My film scoring continues with Cathy Lee Crane’s poignant, gorgeous, border film
Crossing Columbus. 
Watch for a screening near you!

Clarinet Thing performs in Palo Alto at the Mitchell Park Community Center
on my birthday, February 25th. Come sing me a song!

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As many of you already know, I’ve got a dream job scoring the wonderful documentary film The Boys Who Said No! about the Viet Nam conflict draft resistor’s movement and how it was instrumental in stopping the war. Here’s the trailer, check it out! I believe it’s the best documentary I’ve ever worked on. Director Judith Ehrlich was nominated for an academy award for her doc film The Most Dangerous Man in America and she’s a delight to work with as is producer Bill Prince.
I’m currently putting the finishing touches on the score that includes strings, percussion, piano, and of course….clarinet. Ms. Ehrlich asked me early on to write a song for the end credits and I dove in with relish and came up with a very upbeat number entitled Say No!

Russian Telegraph is a new band I’m in founded by singer/guitarist David James with Keith MacArthur on bass, Diana Mangano, voice, Chris Grady, trumpet, Jordan Glasgow, keyboard, John Hanes, drums, me on voice/clarinets. This is one funky ensemble that I want to hire to record Say No! And YOU can chip in to make this happen. Your donation will help pay the musicians and recording engineer (Jeff Cressman). Donors of $500 or more will get their name in the credits of the film. No amount is too small…or too large! Please help me make my dream come true! And I thank you in advance.

Here’s the direct link where you can donate, please be sure and make a note that your donation goes towards the song:  

Any donations will be matched by the producers, thank you so much for your kind support of my latest endeavor.

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