Please Support a Bay Area Working Musician~Since 1983!
Thanks for stopping by. This is my donation page wherein you can offload your extra cash, support my work, and be a part of my ongoing projects. You can earmark your donation for a specific project if you like, just let me know what it’s for. Here’s what’s happening at this moment:
I’m helping find good artwork and to get a band press photo made for Russian Telegraph‘s upcoming release. We recorded at Bird and Egg Studio in El Cerrito. It’ll be released this spring~if you haven’t caught us live, stop in at a concert, it’s a stunning sextet.
I’m working on booking another engagement for Clarinet Thing. Meanwhile assembling another release for my burgeoning All Hands On Deck Publishing company that will include a Clarinet Thing ‘Live at the Hillside’ music release and a music book of clarinet quartets culled from our vast repertoire.
I’m practicing for my Katchapuri Trio gig on March 29th. And practicing for any Robley D Variety Show gigs that may come up, I sing backups and play clarinet and sometimes flute with this mighty rock band. And working on recording clarinet tracks for Abel Mouton.
I’ve been applying for grants and hope to get in the final round of SFAC for my next project CARNIVAL OF SOME ANIMALS (working title) wherein I study and animals and their relations with humans and create a song cycle from those studies.
Stephen Kent and Peter Valsamis and I are working on Trance Mission recording and performing again. We laid some groundwork for a new release last December and continue making plans for the future. Our Le Pendu was released literally on the date of lockdown in 2020 and never really saw the light of day. Check it out!
I’m working on booking a summer film and music series at The New Farm. Details forthcoming! Hoping to have Cathy Lee Crane, possibly Jakub Kalousek, and maybe a My Grandmother revival. I’ll keep you posted on this this series develops.
And of course there’s….BILLS!!!Thank you for reading and thanks for donating, no amount is too small or too large! See you out there.
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Not my dog but she’s a good one, meet Remington!