Hello fine people,
That’s keyboardist/composer Jordan Glasgow and trumpeter Chris Grady of our sweet band Russian Telegraph. We go into the studio next week 🙂 and on December 1 we’ll be performing a 5:30pm set at the glorious Ivy Room in Albany, CA. Doors open at 4pm with the definite grooves of B-Side Galaxy (4:30pm) and the full funk of Double Stroke follow. Don’t miss this special concert, wear your sunny smile and your dancing shoes!
I thought I had played all the concert halls in the Bay Area yet no! On November 24 I’ll be fully clothed and singing backups with the Robley D Variety Show at the Condor…strip club! Come bathe in and shake to the sounds of SF’s finest rockers including Mike ‘Che’ McKevitt, Bruce Schlesinger, Mark Yee and of course Robley D Evans. Canastafarians?

The holiday/donation season cometh! When you’re in a good, giving mood consider buying one of my scores, CDs, DVDs, or you can very easily just donate here detritus free! For a top secret unlisted LP that I’m featured on please send a $250 donation and your mailing address!
Also consider regular donations to The New Farm, where magic happens and where this photo of a wonderful neighboring tenant was taken.

Be well, see you out there,